a long night home

mood video

film synopsis

A long night home is the story about a young woman who tries to get home after a night of drinking in Brooklyn bar. In her travels, she encounters different New Yorkers who help or hinder her journey.

a long night home

A long night home is about Zora, an Easter European immigrant, who tries to get home after a night of drinking in a Brooklyn Bar.  In her journey she encounters different characters and obstacles that challenge her perception, as she makes her way through the new Brooklyn. 
Zora, with the help of her fellow New Yorkers, manages to get to a place she feels safe, but is anything but.   

links: Script | IMDB

director’s statement

“a long night home,” take an the old Hollywood trope of the white savor and flips it on it’s head.  The film is a social commentary on our current society as we follow Zora through different Brooklyn characters and neighborhoods. Lastly, it deals with xenophobia, fear of the unknown and our perceptions, as Zora confronts the real horrors closer to home. The film pays homage to other one day/night films, like the warriors, before sunrise and after hours